
Enhancing local economic development in Kazakhstan

The Formaper Company for Training of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan (Italy) and the ILSLEDA International Network in the framework of the KIP International School are beginning a new initiative in Kazakhstan named ODAK:  Enbek-Kazakh Alliance for Sustainable Economic and Human Development

Funded by the European Union, the initiative aims to enhance the Enbek-Kazakh District abilities of civil society organisations in shaping up promising and sustainable horizons for their local economic development.
ODAK in the Kazakhstan language means Alliance and the project involves the International Ecological Association of Women of the Orient, the Farmers of Kazakhstan Foundation and the Enbekshi-Kazak Akimat, a Government authority responsible for the provision of a wide range of public services in the Enbekshi-Kazak District.
The project main products will be:
·       A Territorial Pact among the local actors of the Enbekshi-Kazak District, with the aim of mobilizing the joint strategic capacity of local forces for sharing solutions to critical territorial problems. The Territorial Pact will involve local administrations, the civil sector, the productive system, the universities and the financial system.
·       A shared territorial development strategy, defined by the local actors through using the ILS LEDA RESCO participatory methodology. The strategy will be based on an approach that includes the human development principles, the gender and ethnic equality, the sustainability in the long term.
·       A Territorial Service System (TSS) for local economic development able to provide a favourable environment for investment and innovation, and  comprehensive services to the local actors valorising and reinforcing the district value chains, including the improvement of entrepreneurial and professional capacities, and the creation of innovative businesses. The TSS will be built following the ILS LEDA methodologies for local economic development, regarding the value chain development, the social inclusion of the most disadvantaged people, the development strategies and their implementation, through a comprehensive service system.
These structural products of the project will be achieved by working with the Enbek-Kazakh District, the Almaty regional government and 28 municipal governments, 2 local State Universities, 23 schools, 2 financial and microcredit organisations, the district houses of culture, 40 NGOs and business associations, 400 farmers linked in cooperatives and associations, 500 vulnerable women and youth, 80 micro and small enterprises.
The Project includes the production of a catalogue of innovative solutions developed in Kazakhstan in the field of green economy that can be taken profitably in Enbek-Kazakh District. Furthermore, transfer of knowledge activities by national authors of the innovations and international authors of the innovations promoted by IDEASS Program are foreseen.


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