COLOMBIA: On November 8, the XII International Forum of Territorial Development opened in Bogotá on the 6th.
The Forum was organized by IICA, the European Union, the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO), the Uniminuto University Corporation, the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, the National University of Colombia, the Brazilian Network of the Research and Management in Territorial Development (RETE), the Network of Territorial Management of Rural Development of Mexico (Network GTD), and the Network for the Territorial Management of Sustainable Rural Development (Network GTD PAZ).

The Forum ended up with the recommendation to the Latin American governments to orient public policy towards more effective policies that promote territorial development as the main focus for rural development, peace and social cohesion.
ILS LEDA also participated in the seminar of the European Union on the "Territorial Approach for Local Development to guide public policies" on the 7th in which the experience of ILS LEDA was recovered in focusing on participatory governance, the formulation of strategies of competitive, sustainable and inclusive development, and the role of the Local Economic Development Agencies as irreplaceable implementing entity.
ILS LEDA was also convened by the National Planning Directorate of the Government of Colombia and Red Adelco to help design the public policy for territorial economic development, and invited to advise on it in the future.